What the SECA Board does for the Community

SECA members are welcome to come to any of our Board Meetings. Your input is valued! If you want to attend, please email your interest to vp@shawneeevergreen.ca

The SECA Board represents the community in all aspects of community needs such as developments, traffic concerns, LRT needs, roadways, community playgrounds, and liaises with other communities on a wide variety of concerns and issues including:

    • development of the LRT station, parking lots and lands surrounding the LRT station
    • transportation issues that impact our community
    • speeding and other traffic issues within our community
    • representing our community on the Board of Cardel Rec South and Trico Centre for Family Wellness
    • supporting Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society
    • regional issues via our participation in the Deep South West Community Network
    • city wide issues via our membership with the Federation of Calgary Communities


SECA is seeking volunteers for these two communications functions. 

NEWSLETTER  – As you can tell from the irregularity of these newsletters, SECA needs someone with a few hours a month to take on this task. Training would be provided if you are not familiar with MailChimp. 

FACEBOOK – If you use Facebook you have the skills required for this volunteer role. And you’d have the support of another account administrator. 
Please email info@shawneeevergreen.ca for more information or to volunteer. Thanks! 

Your SECA Board

President vacant
Vice President Lynn Jobe
Secretary Rsoe-Lyne McCall
Treasurer Maigul Wickham
Director of Development Norm Rousseau
Director at Large John Raich
Director at Large Ajay Khanolkar
Director at Large Zeinab El Kady
Director at Large Yogesh Dua
Director at Large Lydia Scratch
Director at Large William Moysiuk

Board Meetings

SECA Board meetings are the second Wednesday each month (except in summer months of July and August) through Microsoft Teams for the foreseeable future.

SECA members are welcome to come to any of our Board Meetings. Your input is valued! Please reach out by emailing info@shawneeevergreen.ca if you would like to attend on of our online meetings.

Board Meeting cancellations will be posted at the SECA web site so please check web site for notifications.

Board Meeting dates

11 November 2020
9 December 2020
13 January 2021
10 February 2021
10 March 2021
14 April 2021
12 May 2021
9 June 2021

Click to read the SECA By-laws:  SECA BY-LAWS

Meeting Minutes